
ALADDIN 3477: The Motion Picture Trilogy

Created by Matt Busch

Star Wars Artist Matt Busch unleashes his own epic saga, 3 sci-fi feature films based on the Arabian Nights tale.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What's Happening in the World of ALADDIN 3477?
over 1 year ago – Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 11:55:18 PM

Shiva to Believa!

What an incredible year it's been! I said in January that 2023 would be the year of 3477, and in most ways, it has been! And there is more in store during the next 2 and a half months!

I wanted to give a solid update on everything that's been happening. 

If you've been watching the Livestream Lounge videos, there I've been keeping everyone updated in real time. In the chance you haven't been able to be a part of them LIVE on Sunday Nights, you can always find the Livestreams archived in the LIVE tab of my YouTube channel:

Regardless, here's an update- the straight scoop- no images, just words from the heart.

Rewards / Swag Boxes

As you recall, the idea with this Kickstarter was that you would get 4 Swag Boxes, each 3 months apart, for a whole year of ALADDIN 3477! Well, due to some production and manufacturing out of my control, we were a little late getting the first one out.

However, I did my best to make sure that the next 2 would be on schedule, each another 3 months apart. The 2nd Swag Box did come out as scheduled in September, and I'm happy to report that Swag Box 3 should come out as scheduled in December as well.

This is really cool, because the featured item(s) in Swag Box 3 is the FIDGI Designer Toys, so it's great that they'll be showing up on your doorstep just in time for the holidays!

I'm currently working with an embroidery company designing the hats, and I just illustrated the art today for the Lochan Shyamal Glow-in-the-Dark Keychain, as well as the R3D5T4R patch. Can't wait for you to see these!

Now. About Swag Box 4. I've mentioned this a few times in the Livestream... Will it ship 3 months after Swag Box 3? It's possible, but I'm going to say probable it will take a bit longer. How much longer? I'm not certain.

The biggest question mark is the film itself, and when it will be released. I have not yet signed with a Distributor, and they would be the one to make that schedule. They would probably be the company making the Blu Ray discs, and even if they weren't they would have a say in when I would be allowed to get them to you. They might not care, or they might have explicit details.

However, I'm guessing I should have more info on when to expect Swag Box 4 before the end of the year. Please be patient! I hope you've been happy with the quality of the first 2 packages and quality you'll see in Swag Box 3! Sometimes getting these assets together takes longer than expected. I appreciate your understanding!

What is happening with the actual movie?

Lots! Although it's still the calm before the storm... The hurry-up-and-wait phase.

At the end of this month / early November, I'm heading out to the American Film Market in Los Angeles to meet with Sales Agents, Producer Reps, Distributors, Studio Acquisition Heads, and Entertainment Lawyers. Will I make a deal there? It would be nice, but I don't think things will happen that quick. It's possible, but I also need to really make sure wherever this lands will truly be the home for this IP.

Up until about 5 years ago, usually when you'd license the rights for a film, you could make a 5-year deal. Sometimes a 3-year deal! That way, if you didn't like the way things were going, after a few years, you'd get the rights back and could make a better deal somehwere else.

These days, because of TVOD, SVOD, and AVOD, Distributors are seeking longer deals, Ideally 15 to 20 years, though it's possible you could talk them down to 10. There are many reasons for this, but mostly they want to make it easy for streaming services so you aren't constantly pulling films, only to upload them again through a new distributor.

This makes a deal for ALADDIN 3477 a bit more important, since longevity is the way the project was designed to grow. It's a trilogy of films. Wherever the first film lands, it would be awkward if the 2nd and 3rd films weren't in the same place(s). So I really want to make sure it ends up in the hands of a company that will also see the longevity and take care of my baby.

What have I been doing in the meantime?

I just got engaged! I popped the question to my long-time girlfriend Casey who is amazing and has been so supportive of this project. She's been so understanding of the time needed to make this happen and is my biggest cheerleader. So amongst all of the exciting ALADDIN 3477 happenings, I'm thrilled to be embarking on a new beginning of my personal life.

As mentioned above, I've been prepping all the items in Swag Box 3 that will be shipping this December.

Some of you might not even know this, but I also have a day job- I'm a Professor of Media and Communication Arts at Macomb College. This Fall semester we've moved into a new building. It's mostly wonderful, but there have also been a few wrinkles to iron out. I had been fully Remote for the last 3.5 years, so it's been nice to get back into an actual classroom.

However, the biggest thing I've been working on is putting together ALADDIN 3477 promo packages for Sales Agents, Producer Reps, Studio Acquisition Heads, and Distributors... No joke- Hundreds of them, and shipping them all out.

The idea is, it will be easier to get meetings with some of these peeps if I can send them tangible materials like the Official Collector's Edition first. Normally you would just send and email or call blindly, which doesn't often get very far.

And I have to say, it's already working. I've already had a few meetings on Zoom and Phone. Everyone seems to be excited about it, but finding the perfect place for ALADDIN 3477 to call home... That will take some time, observation, haggling, and assessment.

But it's been an incredible amount of work putting these together, and quite expensive to send them all out. If you're interested in seeing what exactly I've been putting together to send out, check out the latest video under the LIVE tab of my YouTube Channel:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thanks again for your support, love, patience and understanding. It's all so exciting and hope to have some concrete news to share soon!

Also, I'll be sharing a lot of the experiences from the American Film Market in Los Angeles on my YouTube Channel, so stay tuned for that! 

All the best,


ALADDIN 3477: The 2nd Swag Boxes have all Shipped!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 02:33:20 AM

Phase 2 Complete!

The 2nd ALADDIN 3477 Swag Box: Jinn's Wise Choice are all shipped! They should be arriving soon, if you don't have them already! International backers may have to wait another week or so due to the usual customs delay.

This Swag "Box" is unique because it isn't really a box at all, but rather a tube to accommodate for the Movie Poster(s) rolled inside. There are also some wonderful rewards rolled within and in the center of the tube!

Some of you have been sharing Unboxing Videos, and Photos of all your rewards- THANK YOU! Please continue to do so and be sure to tag me and all the ALADDIN 3477 socials.

And... not just now but in the coming months and years. As you find new places to put your posters and stickers, I want to see where. When you're out and about and rocking one of the Aladdin 3477 shirts or bandanas in public, selfies or it didn't happen!  I wanna see it all!

1001 NIGHTS: Behind the Scenes of ALADDIN 3477!

First Assistant Director Steve "Oz" Pankotai shares a look at the making of ALADDIN 3477! This introductory video shows a glimpse of what goes into creating such a colossal project, and what to expect from the upcoming videos in the series..

Unboxing the ALADDIN 3477 Movie Poster!

This video captures myself and Actor Erik Steele (Aladdin) unbox and see the ALADDIN 3477 One Sheet Movie Poster for the first time!

Cast and Crew signing the ALADDIN 3477 Movie Posters!

Across two different evenings to accommodate all of the ALADDIN 3477 family, Cast and Crew helped add their signatures to deluxe signed editions of the poster for Executive Producer backers, as well as Aladdin's Inner Circle. See it happen here:

Nabbing additional items...

By the way, in the chance you want to score one of these Signed Posters, another one of the new bandanas, or any of the other available items, you can do so easily! Whether you're already an existing backer or not, you can always visit the ALADDIN 3477 Presale Store here to grab as many additional rewards as you'd like:

Did you only get the 1st or 2nd Swag Box, but love them so much you wish you got the other Swag Boxes as well? You can now order those Swag Boxes individually and not miss out!

Official Collector's Edition COMMENTARY!

One of the fave rewards I'm hearing you all are digging is the ALADDIN 3477 Official Collector's Edition Souvenir Book. I'm obviously very proud of it, and had fun recording a visual commentary for it. This video shares how the book was written, how the visuals were organized, and how the book was designed and printed!

Coming soon- I'll also be releasing a Full Audiobook of the Official Collector's Edition... for FREE! That will also have a video showing close up visuals to go with it. So keep your eye out for that as well.

So... What happens next?

I'm already organizing and prepping items for SWAG BOX 3: Fidgi's Find! These feature the FIDGI Designer Toys, plus 3 new MiniFigs! The plan is to have Swag Box 3 ship at the beginning of December- just in time for the Holidays!

What about the actual movie?!

Rest assured, the wheels are turning and I'll be heading to LA soon for a week of meetings with Sales Agents and Distributors. The latest details will always be shared on the LIVESTREAM LOUNGE first, so be sure to tune in for the latest scoop!

Get the Latest Updates!

To be the first in-the-know for all things ALADDIN 3477, be sure to tune in to the LIVESTREAM LOUNGE! Some interesting episodes on the way, and also some LIVE On The Road episodes in places you might not expect!

The Lounge opens every Sunday Night at 9pm EST. You can find it LIVE on my YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Twitch. But the easiest  place is on my YouTube Channel here:

In case you can't watch LIVE on Sunday Night, you always find the Livestreams archived in the LIVE folder of my YouTube Channel after they air.

That's always the best place to catch up and get the latest, as I'm updating there every week. Please drop in, say hello, and feel free to ask questions and join in on the conversation in real time!

More soon as we get closer to the release of the film- thank you again for your patience, support, and excitement!


ALADDIN 3477: The 1st Swag Boxes are all Shipped!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 06:21:13 AM

Phase 1 Complete!

The first ALADDIN 3477 Swag Box: Taj Mahal's Treasure are all shipped! Most of you should have them. There are a few of you who still haven't filled out the BackerKit Survey. I've reached out to each of you via email and repeatedly sent links. As soon as you fill out the Survey, I'll send you your Swag Box!

Some of you have been sharing Unboxing videos, and photos of all the rewards inside. THANK YOU! Please continue to do so and be sure to tag me and all the ALADDIN 3477 socials.

And not just now but in the coming months and years. As you find new places to put your stickers, I want to see where. When you're out and about and rocking one of the Aladdin 3477 shirts out in public, selfies or it didn't happen!  I wanna see it all!

Assembling the MiniFigs

I'm noticing in some of the photos you all are posting for the Aladdin MiniFig, that it's a little unclear what to do with the extra pieces. Those actually create the TRACKING LIGHT he uses in the film. You can see how to assemble those pieces in this video here:

And the HONK KONG TROOPER definitely has some tricky armor parts that may be confusing if you don't know where they go on the figure. You can see how to assemble that one here:

How are you displaying your MiniFigs? Are you builidng cool LEGO playsets for them to hang out? I wanna see!

What happens next?

I'm already organizing and prepping items for SWAG BOX 2: Jinn's Wise Choice. The plan is to have those ship at the beginning of September. Can't wait.

And- what about the movie itself? What is the latest on that? I'm going to chat about that in detail tomorrow in the LIVESTREAM LOUNGE!

Get the Latest Updates!

To be the first in-the-know for all things ALADDIN 3477, be sure to tune in to the LIVESTREAM LOUNGE! I've been on hiatus the last week or two since I was neck deep in getting all of your Swag Boxes together. But I'll be back tomorrow night and hope to see you there! 

The Lounge opens every Sunday Night at 9pm EST. You can find it LIVE  on my YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Twitch. But the easiest place is on my YouTube Channel here:

In case you can't watch LIVE on Sunday Night, you always find the Livestreams archived in the LIVE folder of my YouTube Channel after they air.

That's always the best place to get the latest, as I'm updating there every week. So please drop in, say hello, and feel free to ask questions and join in on the conversation.

More soon- thank you again for your patience, support, and excitement!


ALADDIN 3477: 1st Swag Box Coming Soon!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 03:47:58 AM

Thank you so so so so so much for your patience and understanding. The 1st Swag Box has been delayed by manufacturers, all reasons out of my hands.

The final item(s) I've been waiting for is the Enamel Pins. I was sent this image last week, showing a poor quality metal base that needed to be redone:

To me, this looks super rad, so if this is a botched metal base, I can't wait to see one that isn't botched!

But there is good news!

And the good news is- as of last night, the enamel pins are done, and are shipping to me immediately! I'm hoping to have them in a week, or sooner! The minute they arrive, I'll begin assembling the 1st series of Swag Boxes to ship to YOU!

I'll be starting with my top backers and working my way down. Please have patience with how long this may take me- there are over 200 of you, and different tiers get some different items. Plus, some of your add-ons will be coming with this Swag Box, too. I'll be handling each box with care to make sure the correct items are are packed well.

Once I get the hang of the BackerKit organization for fulfillment, I'll hopefully have some help putting these together faster. I may even Livestream some of the process so you can see it all coming together.

I cannot wait for you to get the first round of killer items! I'm so thrilled with how everything has come out and I know you will be, too!

In the mean time...

I've been dropping some fun videos and sneak peeks on my YouTube Channel. Be sure to check some out, including:

Unboxing the ALADDIN 3477: Official Collector's Edition Souvenir Book! Wow!

My interview from THE MOVIES THAT MADE ME event!

Unboxing the FIDGI Rubber Magnet! See me test drive it on the 'Fridgi!

MEET ALADDIN (Erik Steele) from the 24 Hour Livestream Lounge! At this point I was a Zombie and had been awake for well over a day. LOL

Speaking of the Livestream Lounge...

Get the Latest Updates!

To be the first in-the-know for all things ALADDIN 3477, I've been dropping all the reveals and latest info during the LIVESTREAM LOUNGE!

The Lounge opens every Sunday Night at 9pm EST. You can find it LIVE on my YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Twitch. But the easiest place to find it is on my YouTube Channel here:

In case you can't watch LIVE, you always find the Livestreams archived in the LIVE folder of my YouTube Channel.

I'll have the latest on the Swag Boxes coming your way soon, so be sure to check in and say hi in the comments!

More soon- thank you again for your patience, support, and excitement!


ALADDIN 3477: Orders Lock in 2 Days!
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 24, 2023 at 03:51:13 AM


I wanted to share a quick update on the Kickstarter for ALADDIN 3477! 

The first Swag Box is almost complete! Most of the rewards are here, ready to go. 3 of the rewards are on their way to my door as we speak, and 2 are nearing the end of production and should be shipping to me next week. Once I have everything, Swag Box 1 gets assembled and on its way to you!

But before that can happen...

Please fill out the BackerKit Survey!

There are still 24% of you that haven't yet filled out the BackerKit Survey. This is how I process your Kickstarter rewards, Add-Ons, and anything else you may snag from the BackerKit PreSale Store.

Even if you didn't get any of the Add-Ons or BackerKit items, I still need you to confirm your mailing address. Even if you were planning on picking up your Swag Box from me in-person, I still need you to fill out the survey to choose your T Shirt style(s) and size(s), as well as which Fidgi Enamel Pin you'd like.

Your BackerKit Survey was sent to your email on March 24th. In the chance you lost that email, you can go to the Survey Recovery Page here:

Orders Lock Friday Night!

At the stroke of Midnight, the BackerKit will lock. That helps me solidify orders and variants. So you definitely want to have your Survey filled out before then.

Last Chance for ALADDIN 3477 PreSale Store!

Also, if ordering any items from the PreSale Store, many items ordered will ship with this first flux of Spring Swag Boxes. So check out the store for any additional items you may be interested in:

This is an easy way to grab extra books, FIDGI Designer Toys, Shirts, and more!

Any items ordered after Friday won't ship for another couple months when the next flux of orders go out with Summer Swag Box 2. (Keep in mind, some items (like the Hardcover Art Book) won't ship until it's in hand, ready to go with Swag Box 4 in the Winter. However, there are many items ready to go that WILL ship to you SOON if ordered by Friday.)

Credit Cards for any additional items ordered through the BackerKit PreSale Store will be charged over the weekend.

About a week after that, I'll be able to start sending everyone the first Swag Box and additional items ordered!


I've been hosting the Red Carpet Experience events for Executive Producer Backers and those that selected the Add-On to see the first ALADDIN 3477 film before anyone else! It has been so much fun and everyone is really enjoying the film and are already chomping at the bit to see what happens in the 2nd one!

I have 2 more spots available for you and your +1 to come out, get a tour of my studio spaces, I make some candy bar drinks, you get to see the film and we talk shop!

Once these 2 spots are filled, that's it, and you'll have to wait and see the film like everyone else. You can lock in the Red Carpet Experience here:

Peeks at Swag Box Items Coming Soon!

Keep your eyes peeled on my socials, as I'll be sharing some unboxing peeks at some of the items that are shipping soon!

I'll also be unboxing a couple items (and have been) on the Livestream Lounge, so be sure to check those out Sundays at 9pm on my socials.

Thank you!

I can't thank you enough for your support, and patience. (This first Swag Box is a little late getting out the door, but the next one is still on track!)

I'm looking forward to assembling these Swag Boxes. I'll be sharing images and videos of everything so stay tuned!
